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Basics Of Investing In Life Annuities


It can be extremely hard to save for retirement. It is hard to part with your hard earned money today so it can be used sometime in the distant future. It is just as difficult to save for college, purchasing a new home, and any other financial goals. For the average American, it is a struggle to be able to pay for the monthly bills and still find a bit of money to invest. Regardless of your income is important to put aside at least a little bit of money every week for savings. If this is done over a number of years a substantial amount of money can be put aside and if worked in into the right investments it can produce a secure financial future.

For investors who are new or just leery of the stock market, life annuities are a great choice. This is a way that money can be put away on a consistent basis and then it is given the ability to grow. One of the most common fears is that an individual will outlive their money and have no income in the later years of their life. Purchasing and investing in a life annuity makes sure this does not happen. An annuity is designed in such a way that an investor is guaranteed an income for the rest of their lives. It can also guarantee a spouse or relative can reap the benefits of the annuities even when the major contributor has passed away. Having a life annuity means no matter how long you live you will draw the same income each month, even after the money from your original investment has been used up. Therefore you will never outgrow your money..

Of course, where to put that money is an important decision as well. Annuities can be a good way to put money away on a regular basis and let it grow. Many people are fearful that they will outlive the money they have so diligently saved for retirement. Using a life annuity can help guarantee that this will not happen to you. Most life annuities have a set period of time period of time which the annuity will pay out (let's say 10 years) or until the person dies, which ever is longer. If you have a life annuity and die after only 5 years then your payments will continue for another five years. Being paid out to your family. However, after 10 years, whatever money is left in your account belong to the annuity company. There is an optional (and more expensive) type of annuity which allows the remainder of the annuity to be paid out to a beneficiary after your death.

For example if an individual paid $15,000 premium to create a life annuity, and then died after only receiving $5,000 worth in payment, the annuity owner's beneficiary would be entitled to a refund of the difference. The difference in this case would be $10,000 dollars. If you have money that is readily available this is a great lost risk security option that works well for people who are not interested in the hassle of traditional stock portfolios.

Source: Free Articles

Basics Of Investing In Life Annuities 4.5 5 Unknown It can be extremely hard to save for retirement. It is hard to part with your hard earned money today so it can be used sometime in the dist...

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